"I have been getting quiet and seeing the gift of slowing down, living on less, and observing the many directions my mind can carry me. I look for experiences of being engaged and connected even in these days of social distancing. However, zoom/skype/etc. definitely can be draining - too much time in front of the screen. My time is also spent on the phone with seniors doing telephone reassurance and care coordination. Their capacity and resiliency are inspiring. Also, while the weather is fantastic, I am stepping away from the screens and getting outside to enjoy the sunshine and cool breeze. I went blueberry picking and made an adventure out of it.
I see yoga as a gift in connecting - connecting to our breath and connecting to our inner awareness. Community classes also give us the opportunity to connect to the people around us, and I miss those experiences of hearing the sound of the breath of others nearby on their mats. Yoga invites us to show up and check-in with our internal experience. My teaching goal is to support people in connecting to a place of steadiness and comfort in their yoga practice." - Nichole
Nichole has also been dog sitting! Her furry friend pictured above enjoys extended savasana on the yoga mat.
Beginning in September, Nichole will have two new virtual class offerings: Beginning Yoga on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 1:00-2:00pm, and Hatha & Meditation every Sunday from 7:30-8:30pm.