Join Anastasia for a Kundalini workshop next Sunday, December 18!
Rebirthing in the Kundalini Yoga tradition is a very intense practice aimed at resolving negative karma and closing old debts, weakening and taking control of the negative components of fate, revealing and strengthening new talents, saying goodbye to the past, and accepting new experiences gained. This is an intensive process of cleansing the subconscious from past trauma, after which you will feel renewed! Rebirthing is an effective respiratory psychotherapeutic practice. Many modern healing techniques talk about relaxation, and the rebirthing technique also emphasizes relaxation as the primary healing factor. As you relax into your breath, you heal. The complementary inhalation and exhalation of holistic breathing fills your body with magical energy that moves and permeates every cell. You can inhale not only air saturated with oxygen, nitrogen, and other chemical compounds, but also energy. "Rebirthing is the breath of Life!" This workshop is priced on a sliding scale to support folks who would like to attend but may not have the financial means to do so. Choose an amount that feels right for you ($40-$150). Led by Anastasia Aderinkomi Sunday, December 18, 11:00am-2:00pm In-person at the studio This workshop will be held in place of the regular Sunday Kundalini yoga class. There will be no Sunday Kundalini class on December 18. Register: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=10757&stype=-8&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000436&date=12/18/22